The majority of students at Morton East prefer to walk or take the bus rather than to get an Uber or Lyft home.
According to Famuan Online “Uber and Lyft increasing prices affects students”, many people depend on Uber and Lyft for their transportation especially students and on campus students. In more than any other subject, Ubers charge more depending on the time of the day whether it’s a busy day and what town you are going too being unfair for students, especially college students you can live in the ugliest town and go to school in a nice community and get charged depending on the destination. Yet, students being the ones to depend on public transportation the most because they aren’t able to own a car or some schools not allowing parking for students can be difficult for those who can’t afford Ubers and Lyfts. However, in a random survey of 100 Morton East students, only 23 said they have used public transportation like Uber and Lyft.
“I would rather students take the bus or find a different way to get to school rather than get in a car with a total stranger without knowing their intentions,” security guard at Morton East, Ivan, said.
Another of Morton’s staff, dean Ms. Natalie Kozlowski, agrees with the security guard Ivan.
“I would suggest students find a different transportation other than Uber or Lyft due to having to be 18 to get in a Uber or Lyft if something happens while you’re in a Uber and have to make a police report for any reason, you can get in trouble for lying about your age or the driver can get in trouble for letting you ride in the Uber being under the age of 18,” Dean at Morton East, Ms. Natalie Kozlowski said.
Riding in an Uber doesn’t only have its cons, but also has its pros for being fast transportation.
“I only ride in Ubers or Lyfts when I have to get to practice and the bus is full or when I have to go to work,” student at Morton East, Keren Llort said.
Meanwhile another student from Morton, Brenda Karina, has other ideas.
“I would rather save my money and walk home or catch a ride with a friend, I would only get an Uber for an emergency, my mom wouldn’t trust me riding with a total stranger,” student at Morton East, Brenda Karina said.