Sophia Criollo
Here's one of our seniors Andres Rico doing a promposal to his girlfriend Imani Diaz
How many students are planning to go to prom?
Around 300 to 400 tickets for the prom have been sold, 400 students of the school have planned for prom and maybe doing a promposal to a special someone for them.
Based on the survey conducted among 100 Morton East students, 62 students are planning to go to prom. Out of the 62 students, 16 are planning to do a promposal, while 21 students said there is a possibility that they will do a promposal.
The term “promposal” became popular in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Promposals can range from simple gestures, like asking someone in person or via text message, to elaborate stunts or performances. According to a survey conducted by Visa in 2015, the average cost of a promposal is $324. Some popular promposal ideas include spelling out “Prom?” in candles, balloons, or flowers; creating a personalized video or song; or staging a flash mob. Promposals have become a popular trend on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, with users sharing videos and photos of their creative ideas. While promposals can be a fun and exciting way to ask someone to prom, they can also put pressure on students to come up with elaborate ideas or feel left out if they do not receive a promposal. It is important to remember that the most important part of prom is spending time with friends and creating memories, not necessarily how you were asked to go.
“Yes I’m planning to go to prom”, said senior Yessica Martinez, “I did get a promposal from a friend which was kind of a joke and kind of not”.
Thinking of an idea for a promposal is not so easy sometimes but you can figure out a way or two to make one if you know about the person you will be doing it towards. For example, if the person loves sports, the promposal could involve the use of a customized sports jersey or a promposal message written on a sports ball. This shows that you have taken the time to personalize the idea and make it more meaningful for them.
However, some do think that promposals aren’t necessary or a need for prom.
“I think the tradition of promposals will eventually fade away, just because I think people are becoming more private in their relationships, as well as some people are uncomfortable with PDA”, said senior Lizbeth Delgado, “I think at least at Morton, very few people get promposals even now”.
Promposals are sometimes seen as a way to someone’s heart, reveal what you feel or know about them, or make that person feel special.
“I love seeing promposals with friends or any relationship, it’s very cute and a really nice way to make someone feel special,” said junior Giselle Espino, “I believe it’s relevant as long as you’re asking them to an event no matter the relationship”.
Though teachers had a view of what a bad turn on a promposal might be seen, something doesn’t go as planned or there was a rejection.
“The worst promposal I’ve ever seen was about 10 years ago, my journalism class was designing the layout for the newspaper online. One of my boys in class changed the front page headline to “Jose asks: Will you go to prom with me, Sara?” (I’ve changed the names to protect the innocent.) Everyone in class saw it before the girl, and when she did see it she didn’t say a word. She just asked me to go to the bathroom and left. She was out the rest of the week. The boy (who we’ll call Jose) was humiliated. I can’t image how that would have panned out with phones recording everything,” said Journalism teacher Mr. Kent Frankfother.
Teachers themselves even experienced having a promposal from a partner before,
“My boyfriend and I were together during our senior year and we went to the Snowball retreat together. He did some flash mob type and at the end held up a sign that said “prom?”,” said Civis teacher Brenda Lopez.