Cities adopt age-limits for treat-or-treating

Jessica Fajardo, Reporter

Many cities across the country have put restrictions to the age limit for the trick-or-treating.

Teenagers older than 13 years-old could face jail for trick-or-treating.

In Chesapeake, Virginia if you trick or treat after a certain age you could be charge with a fine, end up in jail or both. Anyone over 12 years old that goes trick-or-treating or participate on any other similar activity will face the consequences. The fines will be between $25 to $100, and they can go to jail for up to 6 months. The police officers main priority is safety this is why they have started to limit the age for trick or treating. Other cities like Boonsboro, Maryland, Norfolk, Virginia have also banded elderly trick-or-treating. In America has been a Halloween tradition since the late 1920s. While in Britain and Ireland they collect food on Halloween, this tradition been alive since the 16th century. In a random survey of 100 Morton students, 67 of them reported that they still go out trick-or-treating on Halloween.

“I think the cities shouldn’t put a limit age for the people to go trick-or-treating because this is a tradition that’s been going on for years, everyone should have the right to participate in it and have fun as long as they aren’t hurting no one,” senior Sandro Rendon said.

Some people disagree with cities setting up age limits to trick-or-treat because someone should never be too old to put on a custom and get in the spirit of the holiday, while others think it’s not meant for teenagers or adults.

“Halloween is more for young children that’s why I think banding elderly from trick or treating is a good idea because during this day many people go out to do bad stuff, but this will make it a more safer and enjoyable holiday,” junior Diana Rivera said.

Holidays are supposed to be of joy and happiness but sometimes people aren’t thinking and don’t make good choices.

“Some people prefer not to go out on Halloween because they think it’s dangerous. Since a lot of people are dressed up you don’t know what’s behind the costume and what their intentions are,” senior Luis A. Fajardo said.